Riyaz Datoo How to own ⭐The Golden Handshake⭐


Did you know that our company has been producing 3d crystal images and utilizing 3d technology since 2004?                                               


We established 3D Crystal out of research and development in the 3D scanning space more than a decade ago, and this paved the way for us to lead the subsurface laser industry. 


We’re not imitators but proud innovators and game changers. This is the reason why we’ve built North America’s largest subsurface laser engraving setups for not just selling 3d crystals, but for setting up new business owners to successfully do the same. 


Our success wouldn’t be possible without our founder Riyaz Datoo’s business vision, exceptional leadership abilities, complete commitment, wholehearted investment, faith in his craft and the help of our team of experts from around the world.  


There are companies that drift into complacency once they reach a certain level of success. Their growth mindset suddenly shifts into this steady and fixed mindset. They sadly stop moving forward and pushing their boundaries even further. They just stop growing and evolving because they are satisfied with what they have already achieved. Unfortunately, not wanting to put more effort is a disadvantage and such a waste of potential.   


We’re proud to say that we’re recognized for 3D innovation by the federal government. We don’t rest on our laurels because we believe that we’re very capable of achieving bigger and bolder accomplishments. 


3D Crystal is continuously on the move and always willing to learn new things for the sake of innovation. We’re smart enough to take what we’ve learned and acquired throughout our journey and direct this knowledge to achieve 100X greater accomplishments.       


Here are our president’s 7 Tips to Psychologically Establishing and Growing a Well Grounded Business.


There’s no such thing as a golden handshake according to Riyaz. There’s no specific formula or recipe to guarantee success in your career or business venture. If you want to attain the same business success, just read on to find out his secrets and what it took him to establish and build several businesses (including 3d crystal), while helping other business owners along the way over the last 20 years.  



Point #1. Enjoy doing it for the margin                              


When you are seeking to run a business, understand that it’s both fun and admirable to do it for business profits. Some business owners feel guilty to admit that making extra margin is part of their objectives. Part of running a successful business is becoming profitable.                             


Keep in mind that there is a distinct line between a hobby and a business. In business, your goal is to make profits. You shouldn’t look at it only as a goal,but also as a responsibility to your company, family, your staff and your shareholders. 


Don’t forget to set goals too for revenue, margin, and growth, and always measure your performance directly against those goals. If ever things don’t work out,  just adapt and adjust your business plans accordingly. Also, see to it that your margin is justified with the value you offer to your customers to keep them satisfied. The quality of your products and services needs to exceed those of your competitors at the end of the day.                


Riyaz started 3D Crystal at first by just manufacturing custom laser etched crystals. After we gained momentum and traction, he decided to increase the value of what we offer by making 2d conversions of photos to 3D. . Our founder further developed his ideas and made the sizes of our laser crystals five times what they were when we started. This allowed our team to begin focusing on high definition 3d laser gifts as opposed to just simple 3d photo crystals available anywhere in the market.       



Point #2. Love what you do


Doing business for the money doesn’t mean it can’t be a genuine interest of yours. In fact, it’s going to be even better if it's your passion since you’ll be more driven and determined to succeed.  The fact is that life is more fulfilling when you love doing what you do and earn from it as well.


If you’re making money but you hate what you do for a living then you’re wasting your life and your precious time. If you love what you do then you’ll look forward to Monday mornings and will be eager to put in hours on the weekend when required. 


Here at 3D Crystal,  we started with 9-5. We then decided to have shifts running until 9 pm to meet the demands of our ever-growing business. To keep up with the demands and produce high quality 3d crystals from photos,  we run our laser machines seven days a week. We also see to it that we cater to time zones globally to make sure we don’t miss any 3d photo crystal order.


Point #3. Foster the culture of “perpetual innovation”          


We pursue excellence all the time here at 3D Crystal to enable us to expand our business and reach greater heights. We constantly raise the bar and we don’t get stuck in one place for far too long. We always make sure that once we achieve our current goals, we celebrate it and very quickly set the next benchmark. That’s how we do it because we know that competition chases fast. 


In order to keep them chasing, we regularly come up with fresh ideas. For us, a new idea doesn’t necessarily mean new products or a different line of services. It’s all about being creative in what we already do and finding ways to build a new market.                


As an example, we went from offering low resolution crystals to coding our software called “cockpit3d”. Once we added and utilized this revolutional software in our business, we were able to come up with optically clear and high definition 3d laser gifts that set us way apart from our competitors. 


Taking advantage of our cutting-edge software did wonders for our business and led us to build more market shares from our industry. This is the reason why we recommend finding more ways to incorporate new creative ideas in your business endeavors to foster the culture of “perpetual innovation” just like what we do here at our company.                                        


Point #4. Play the game                      


Don’t aim for sales right away. The first objective of every business isn’t being issued a purchase order, it should be all about finding the right people to work with. Once you finally get in touch or speak with them, the second objective is to get them on the phone or in-person instead of voice mail. The third objective might be getting them to agree on a meeting.              


In the end, if the partnership or transaction does not proceed, keep in mind that the game isn’t entirely over. Don’t give up or give in easily and learn to play the game. Keep the ball rolling and continue the game with a follow up.  Don’t forget that it’s only game over when one wants to believe it’s game over. 


The best strategy if things halt is to follow up at timed intervals in order to establish rapport and integrity. Don’t be discouraged and just stay positive through it all. There’s still hope so keep soft selling and don’t underestimate the power of a well placed follow up from time to time.


Point #5. Make your own luck


The most successful entrepreneurs know what they want from the get go. They have this clear vision of where they want to go and are constantly plotting their course towards those goals. 


If you think that some business owners are just randomly lucky then think again! That’s not normally the case. Most of them just know how to make their own luck because they are fully attached to their vision and the outcome.     


Point #6. Represent your own product 


There’s no denying that no one can live and breathe your business like you do. You know the ins and outs of your business venture and this is the reason why you and your trusted staff should represent your products and services.             


Here at 3D Crystal,  we do marketing ourselves. We started our business believing that our focus was 100% production fulfillment. That’s not the case now because as of this writing, we take pride that we are a ⅓ marketing company, ⅓ software company and ⅓ a production house. 


We truly believe that the effectiveness of marketing and thinking of good ideas and acting on it is far greater than using an outsourced marketer who hasn’t walked a day in our shoes.


Point #7. Give back     


There’s no better feeling than giving back to the community. Choose a charity of your choice and help out as much as possible without any hesitation. If you can't donate a portion of your revenue then donate a portion of your time.                    


There’s really nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others. Having a clean intention of giving back to charity for the sake of giving and not for the sole purpose of marketing to grow your sales will bless your business in more ways than you could ever imagine.


Think of giving not just as a duty but a privilege. The happiest business owners are those who share a portion of their time or money with those who need it the most. 


Always remember that with just one act of kindness, you can inspire others to do the same and as a business owner, touching people's lives and making a difference is an important aspect to make your business venture more meaningful than ever. 


There you have it. These are 7 Tips to Psychologically Establishing and Growing a Well Grounded Business according to our founder Riyaz Datoo. 


Before we end this, we would just like to add that every journey is going to be different and that not all ideas will succeed right away. Some ideas that you assume will do well will fail, while others you don’t expect a lot from will be successful. That's just how entrepreneurship works. It’s a matter of trial and error and finding out what works and what doesn’t. What matters is that you don’t give up and try to magnify your strengths as much as you can.

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